Sunday, December 2, 2012

God, You, & Luke 2: Day 2

A couple of years ago, my brother, Andy, told me about a new practice he's taken up.

He's writing out scripture.

He told me about Deuteronomy 17:18-20, where the king is told to "write for himself in a book a copy of this law." Not long after that, I was introduced to Journibles, which provides materials that makes copying scripture easy and beautiful. This screenshot gives a tad more information.

This post is not an ad for Journibles, but my commendation of the practice of writing out scripture - and more specifically, my suggestion that we write out Luke 2:1-21 during these days of Advent. You could write it out all at once, or one verse at a time every day between now and Christmas - however it works best for you.

If you decide to do this, maybe God will use this practice of slowing down to carefully transcribe these holy words to help you see something about Him you've never seen before.

Let's pray to that end.

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