Monday, July 2, 2012

A Recipe for Love

I've got love on the brain.

In just under a month, my man and I will be celebrating 25 years together. I've almost been with him longer than I was alive before him, but I turned 26 the month after we tied the knot, so I'm just shy of that milestone. It's been a wonderful, hard, beautiful, worth-it, unforgettable, hard, fun-filled, love-filled almost 25 years. I am blessed.

And the other day, I smiled when I ran across a sheet of paper that dates back to before the fateful day in August.

That piece of paper is a recipe. It's the recipe for the first thing Lou ever made for me.

We weren't dating at this point. But I think at least one of us was thinking about dating...

We were mostly getting together to play tennis. After tennis on this particular day, Lou had said he wanted to make lunch for me. I wasn't allowed in the kitchen while he put his creation together. When I was finally allowed in, there was this beautiful pasta salad in the middle of my plate - and ringing it on the top half of my plate was a slice of kiwi, then a strawberry, kiwi, strawberry, etc.

Oh. my. word.

My first thought was, "I'm never cooking for this guy."

It was fabulous, of course, as pretty much everything he makes is. And contrary to my initial thought that day, I've made this salad and a few other things a few times since then. I think it's funny that this recipe calls for 2 cups of roast beef. Lou would never pick this out nowadays. He's a protein guy, for sure, but not really a roast beef guy.

But he is, thankfully, still a Shelley guy. He's on my brain (and heart) and I'm on his.

He still cooks for me. I still cook for him. We cook lots of things up ;).

That's definitely a recipe for love.

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